Paraguay The Society and Its Environment
Traditional bottle dance
FOR MOST OF ITS HISTORY, a series of dichotomies characterized
Paraguayan society. A contrast existed between rural and urban
Paraguay and, even more pointedly, between Asunci�n--where
economic, social, and political trends originated--and the rest of
Paraguay. In rural Paraguay a divide existed between those holding
legal title to land, usually the owners of large estates dedicated
to commercial farming, and the mass of peasant squatters growing
crops largely for their families' subsistence. Similarly, there was
a gulf between the elite--educated, prosperous, city-based and -
bred--and the country's poor, whether rural or urban. Finally,
although most Paraguayans retained their fluency in Guaran� and
this indigenous language continued to play a vital role in public
life, there was a continuum of fluency in Spanish that paralleled
(and reflected) the social hierarchy. These dichotomies not only
continued into the 1980s but were exacerbated by the extensive,
dramatic changes that had occurred in Paraguayan society since the
Paraguayans of all classes viewed family and kin as the center
of the social universe. Anyone not related through blood or
marriage was regarded with reserve, if not distrust. People
expected to be able to call upon extended kin for assistance as
necessary and counted on them for unswerving loyalty. Godparents
(whether or not they were kin) were important as well in
strengthening social links within the web of kinship.
Migration was a perennial fact of life: peasants changed plots;
men worked on plantations, factories, and river boats; women
migrated to cities and towns to find employment in domestic
service. Since the mid-nineteenth century there also had been a
large contingent of emigr� Paraguayans in Argentina.
In the early 1970s, Paraguay's eastern border region--long
underpopulated and undeveloped--replaced neighboring Argentina as
the major destination of most Paraguayan migrants. Historically,
land in the region had been held in immense plantations; the
inhabitants were largely tropical forest Indians and mestizo
peasant squatters. Beginning in the late 1960s, however, government
land reform projects settled as many as 250,000 rural Paraguayans
in agricultural colonies in this area. Many others bypassed the
government entirely and settled in the region on their own.
Improvements in transportation and the construction of massive
hydroelectric projects brought more far-reaching changes in the
1970s and 1980s. Economic growth drew tens of thousands of
migrants--immigrants from neighboring Brazil as well as Paraguayan
nationals--into the eastern border region. Their sheer numbers
transformed the east from a sleepy hinterland into a maelstrom of
change. In the process, both Indians and traditional small farmers
were dispossessed of their lands and their traditional livelihood.
As the construction projects were completed in the early 1980s, the
region saw increased rural unrest as the peasants who had
temporarily held jobs in construction found that there were no
unclaimed agricultural lands for them to occupy.
The pace of urbanization--modest by world and Latin American
standards--quickened during the boom years. Economic growth enabled
the cities to absorb large numbers of rural Paraguayans who had
been displaced by increased population pressures and the country's
skewed land distribution. Economic downturns in the 1980s, however,
stoked unrest among workers and peasants.
Data as of December 1988