Location and Boundaries
Honduras, located at the widest part of the isthmus of
America, is the second largest Central American republic
fig. 3). The triangular-shaped country has a total area of
about 112,000
square kilometers. The 735-kilometer northern boundary is
Caribbean coast extending from the mouth of the R�o
Motagua on the
west to the mouth of the R�o Coco on the east, at Cabo
Gracias a
Dios. The 922-kilometer southeastern side of the triangle
is the
land border with Nicaragua; it follows the R�o Coco near
Caribbean Sea and then extends southwestward through
terrain to the Golfo de Fonseca on the Pacific Ocean. The
apex of the triangle is a 153- kilometer coastline at the
Golfo de
Fonseca, which opens onto the Pacific Ocean. The western
boundary consists of the 342-kilometer border with El
Salvador and
the 256-kilometer border with Guatemala.
Honduras controls a number of islands as part of its
territories. In the Caribbean Sea, the islands of Roat�n
(Isla de
Roat�n), Utila, and Guanaja together form Islas de la
Bah�a (Bay
Islands), one of the eighteen departments into which
Honduras is
divided. Roat�n, the largest of the three islands, is
kilometers long by five kilometers wide. The Islas de la
archipelago also has a number of smaller islands, among
them the
islets of Barbareta (Isla Barbareta), Santa Elena (Isla
Elena), and Morat (Isla Morat). Farther out in the
Caribbean are
the Islas Santanillas, formerly known as Swan Islands. A
number of
small islands and keys can be found nearby, among them
Zapotillos and Cayos Cochinos. In the Golfo de Fonseca,
the main
islands under Honduran control are El Tigre, Zacate Grande
Zacate Grande), and Exposici�n (Isla Exposici�n).
Data as of December 1993